
Recent News

Jane Morrison

Jane started playing croquet many years ago in Limerick with an old Jaques garden set. Now resident in Scotland, she plays at Balgreen Croquet Club in Edinburgh.

She has won the Scottish Golf Croquet Championships three times and is looking forward to competing in Southwick.

Karen Davidson-Perrins

Karen lives in Dublin with her Australian husband Cliff, three boston terrier show dogs & a reformed feral cat.

Karen took up croquet and started competing in the Championships of Dublin and Ireland in 2015. Karen is a member of the CAI and the CA, plays both AC and GC and is a member of Carrickmines Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club.

She has represented Ireland in Women’s GC Internationals against Spain & Scotland, is playing in the 2023 European GC Championships and is looking forward to competing in her first Women’s GC World Championships.