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Accommodation - Staying in Sussex

Many of our recommended places to stay are more easily accessible by car and there are a number of good accommodation choices between Gatwick and Brighton that can be less expensive. The town of Lewes is approximately equidistant from both venues (30-40 minutes by car), but is probably only a good location for those involved in the Qualifying Tournament.

For those choosing not to have a car we recommend you stay in the Shoreham or Brighton & Hove areas. Sussex County Croquet Club is accessible by train from there and there is a good bus service from Brighton & Shoreham to Southwick.

There are many hotels in the Brighton/Southwick area from about £80 per night upwards, including most of the major hotel chains.

Sharing an apartment, cottage or house can also be a cost efficient option in this area, but please make sure that if you don't have a car that there's easy public transport to the venues!

The following offers from club members have been made:

Liz Farrow - one single. No en suite. Breakfast if required.
Eating places nearby. Transport to SCCC .

Deborah Marcus -  Worthing, 5 players
Laundry offered, breakfast, off road parking on drive for 2 cars. Free wifi and use of fridge, kitchen and dining room in evenings.
(Already on club website)

Noel & Ann Gill -  Worthing

Alan & Judith Price - Worthing - offering accommodation for one or two.

In addition Sussex County Croquet Club maintains a list of suggested local accommodation, including B&Bs, which can be seen here.

We're hoping that some of the local Universities will have rooms available in student accommodation, but details are unlikely to be available before April 2023.

July and August are peak holiday times on the South Coast and early booking is advisable.  

Staying near Eastbourne

For the Qualifying Tournament see the Compton website for some details about the club and how to get there - Visit Eastbourne is the official tourist site which has accommodation links.